Kentik - Network Observability

Discover the first unified synthetic monitoring and network traffic analytics solution.

With Kentik Synthetic Monitoring, you’ll maximize application performance for your users and deliver outstanding digital experiences for customers and employees.

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Monitor — frequently and autonomously — essential infrastructure, applications and services including:

  • SaaS solutions
  • Applications hosted in the public cloud
  • Internal applications
  • Transit and peer networks
  • Content delivery networks
  • Streaming video, social, gaming, and other content providers
  • Site-to-site performance across traditional WAN and SD-WANs
  • Service provider connectivity and customer SLAs

Kentik Synthetic Monitoring beats the competition!

KentikLegacy Solutions
Autonomous testing
Test based on actual, monitored traffic scenarios
Intelligent diagnostics and alerting
Tests are enriched and correlated with device health and interface utilization
Agents in Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, IBM Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud
Combined traffic and synthetics-based performance views
Configurable test interval down to 1 second
Affordable, test everythingCompromises needed to reduce costs
Multi-year data retention
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Deliver great SaaS experiences

Monitor the experience of critical SaaS applications to ensure great experiences for your line of business users or for your subscribers. Leverage Kentik’s global synthetic network including hundreds of strategically positioned agents in internet cities around the world and in every cloud region within AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and IBM Cloud or deploy private agents with just a few clicks.

Protect critical latency-sensitive applications

Machine and factory automation applications need to hit response times in microseconds. Only Kentik makes monitoring at high-frequencies practical, all the way up to testing each second. With critical use cases such as connected car, automated production or first-responder application placement, you cannot afford to wait minutes to act on a failure or network configuration change.

Catch SD-WAN performance issues before your users do

You already know that SD-WAN saves money, but does it deliver on performance? Changes in the fine print of your SLA may leave you wondering, but synthetic testing coupled with real-time traffic monitoring gives you a complete view. Monitor traffic and application flows to set up the right autonomous tests. See problems quickly and mitigate issues that impact performance. Set up alerts on specific applications and monitor their compliance with business intent policies. Use Kentik Data Explorer for ad-hoc queries to zero-in on problems.

Test all sites

Get a bird’s-eye view into infrastructure performance across complex site meshes, including single cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid service meshes. Use traffic insights to inform what synthetic tests you need, and no more. Autonomously and continuously test performance metrics like latency, packet loss, and jitter so you can be on top of emerging problems before they pick up steam and impact user experience, your brand reputation, and even financial performance.

Monitor ASN and CDN performance

Your users are counting on you to deliver performance to and from ASNs and CDNs, even if you are not the content provider. You can offer a valuable service by seeing and mitigating problems early. See ASN and CDN performance in context of providers, traffic, and connectivity. Use traffic analytics to generate, auto-deploy, and continuously test agents. Assist connectivity customers or measure PoP-to-ASN performance metrics against service-level agreements. Consult performance timeline to see exactly when warnings occur, and drill down to examine specific events.

DNS performance is critical

Don’t let DNS performance be a blind spot in your service delivery. Select from a variety of agents for an accurate picture of DNS server availability, resolution time and returned results, including IP addresses, MX records, and more. Intelligently configure alerts for failures, query time deviations or anomalies over time. In the test creation page, specify a hostname and one or more DNS servers to test towards and pick one or more agents to test from. Advanced options let you specify a DNS record type as well as a port.

Monitor web servers

Test availability of HTTP based services/servers, show information and alert as soon as an issue is detected. Detect issues when HTTP services are served from multiple data centers and clouds simultaneously. Measure response time and alert when anomalous behavior is observed. Correlate to network performance (ping, trace) to HTTP layer issues. Optionally enable ping and traceroute towards the IPs resolved by the HTTP test.

Test from any region

Kentik Global Synthetic Network includes 200+ strategically positioned global agents in internet cities around the world and in every cloud region within AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and IBM Cloud. Kentik Synthetic Monitoring also provides private agents via common deployment packages for both x86 or ARM that customers can deploy quickly and easily in their own environments.
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