Kentik - Network Observability


Virtual Design Clinic

Upcoming dates:
    Select a date and sign up


    Learn how easy it is to gain network observability so you can deliver great experiences.

    Follow along in your own Kentik free-trial account and have your questions answered by a product expert in real time. Sessions last about 30 minutes.

    If you do not already have a trial account, please sign up for a free trial now.

    Session leaders

    Sunil Kodiyan
    Product Manager

    Nina Bargisen
    Tech Evangelist

    Wells Morse
    Solutions Engineer

    Greg Villain
    Product Director

    Join the Kentik Slack Community

    Join the conversation on Slack before your Virtual Design Clinic session!

    Meet your peers and ask our experts your questions ahead of time. See the #virtual-design-clinics channel.

    What to expect:

    1. Open Q&A

    2. Hands-on Clinic

      A Kentik solutions expert will answer your questions and guide you through key product features while you follow along in your own trial account, if you desire.

      Each session has a special focus, but we welcome your questions about any part of the Kentik network observability platform! Topics may include:

    • Navigating the Kentik UI, configuring devices, configuring Interface Classification
    • Understanding different synthetic test and agent types
    • Using BGP monitoring to detect and alert on hijacks, RPKI status, path changes and more
    • Configuring policies to monitor for DDoS attacks
    • Building custom dashboards and reports for both internal and external audiences
    • How to measure and correlate page-load performance and network latency to create great customer experiences

    How to prepare:

    Complete the following steps at least 24 hours before the event:

    1. Sign up for a free trial.
    2. Activate your free trial account.
      After signing up, you will receive an email to activate your account. If you don’t see your activation email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If it’s not there, please email
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