Kentik - Network Observability


What is network performance monitoring and how is it evolving in the cloud era?

Hosted by Michael Patterson, Kentik network technologist

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Active performance monitoring is gaining popularity as an approach to modern NPM.

About the webinar

Find out what NPM has become and why legacy solutions met their demise. Get in-depth details about these three must-have monitoring techniques:

  • BGP monitoring exposes attacks and route changes
  • HTTP and API monitoring can isolate slowness not related to the network
  • Traceroute uncovers internet trouble spots such as specific routers within ISPs

What you’ll learn

Find out why these technologies bring deeper visibility into how your company’s internet connections and applications are being impacted and by whom.

Identify the third parties to reach out to when problems occur and see where to focus your optimization efforts.

Michael Patterson
Kentik network technologist

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