Kentik - Network Observability

Networking Field Day 19 Recap

Watch the Networking Field Day recap, where we present new capabilities for service providers, cloud and cloud-native environments, and give a technical talk on tagging and data enrichment.

What's New at Kentik

Co-founder and CEO Avi Freedman kicks off the event with his take on how networks are changing. He gives an update on what is new in our network analytics platform for service providers and to support cloud infrastructure and automation.

Kentik for Service Providers

We demo our network analytics developments for service providers, including OTT Service Tracking, CDN Attribution, Subscriber Tracking, and the My Kentik portal for internal and downstream customers.

Tech Talk on Tagging and Enrichment

Avi Freedman discusses how to go beyond the basics to contextualize network data for enrichment, about how to gain insights from network traffic through tagging.

Kentik for Cloud and Cloud Native

We demo Kentik for cloud and cloud-native environments, including a look at our Google Cloud and Amazon AWS developments. Watch the conversation on why VPC Flow Logs are critical for maintaining cloud visibility.

What's Next for Kentik

Avi Freedman closes NFD 19 with a look at Kentik’s roadmap. This includes a look ahead at Kentik for Azure logs, metrics, streaming telemetry, segmentation, orchestration integration, and edge computing.

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