Kentik - Network Observability

Posts by Dan Kelly

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by Phil Gervasi
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by Doug Madory, Job Snijders
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Doug Madory
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Dan Kelly

About Dan Kelly

Dan Kelly is a Customer Success Engineer at Kentik, helping customers get maximum value from their use of Kentik’s network monitoring and analytics solutions. He has years of experience working on DDoS scrubbing appliances and software. Dan has a passion for eliminating bad traffic, and enjoys helping customers adapt their existing infrastructure to utilize Kentik for DDoS and Traffic Anomaly alerting. In his free time, he enjoys exploring the beautiful forests and trails of Appalachia with his fiance, and competitive gaming when at home. He currently resides in Northern Virginia.

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