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How G-Core Labs Uses Kentik Synthetics to See Across All Networks

Michelle Kincaid

Synthetic Monitoring


G-Core Labs uses Kentik Synthetics. With continuous, proactive monitoring in place, find out how G-Core Labs achieves fast, accurate visibility, reduced infrastructure costs, automation to save time, and the ability to uphold SLAs and maintain quality of service for customers.

Kentik customer G-Core Labs is a global cloud and edge provider. The company has more than 100 points of presence (PoPs) located in data centers in more than 65 cities around the world.

With a distributed infrastructure on every continent, it is absolutely critical for G-Core Labs to have end-to-end, global network monitoring. They not only need to know what is happening across their own network, but also need to be aware of incidents that occur outside of their network, for example, with upstream operators, whose performance could impact their own customers’ experiences.

In a new case study published today, we detail how G-Core Labs tried three other commercial synthetics monitoring solutions before turning to Kentik Synthetics to effectively, proactively and continuously monitor its distributed infrastructure.

Read the full case study to see how G-Core Labs uses Kentik Synthetics to achieve:

  • Continuous, proactive monitoring for fast, accurate visibility
  • Reduced infrastructure costs
  • Automation to save the network team’s time
  • The ability to uphold SLAs and maintain quality of service for customers

You can also find out more about Kentik Synthetics or watch our recent Synthetic Testing 101 webinar to see Kentik Synthetics in action.

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