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How Limelight Networks Automates Traffic Engineering and Reduces Infrastructure Cost and MTTR

Michelle Kincaid

Network Performance
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Most web content and application providers today utilize Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to ensure the best user experience. Therefore, CDN providers are constantly competing to deliver the fastest websites and software downloads, most responsive applications, highest-quality video, and lowest latency gaming. To thrive in the highly competitive CDN marketplace, operators must continuously optimize their globally distributed networks for both performance and cost, while strategically planning capacity and growth.

That’s why Limelight turned to Kentik. “At our scale, no commercial solution could meet our needs until we found Kentik,” said Julien Vaught, vice president of network architecture and engineering at Limelight Networks.

With network traffic intelligence from Kentik, Limelight achieves:

  • Significant reduction in MTTR
  • Automation for traffic engineering
  • Big cost savings for transport and IP transit

“Kentik has the best feature functionality on the market and has substantially reduced our MTTR for customer, peering, and transit-related issues,” added Vaught. “It’s rare to be able to leverage one product for value in so many different and useful ways across the organization, but with Kentik, we’ve been able to do just that.” Read the full Limelight case study.

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