Kentik - Network Observability

Kentik Blog

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by Phil Gervasi
by Christoph Pfister
by Doug Madory, Job Snijders
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Doug Madory
by Avi Freedman
by David Klein
by Kevin Woods
by Ken Osowski

Package Tracking for the Internet

May 09, 2017

Without package tracking, FedEx wouldn’t know how directly a package got to its destination or how to improve service and efficiency. 25 years into the commercial Internet, most service providers find themselves in just that situation, with no easy way to tell where an individual customer’s traffic exited the network. With Kentik Detect’s new Ultimate Exit feature, those days are over. Learn how Kentik’s per-customer traffic breakdown gives providers a competitive edge.

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News in Networking: ONUG, Bufferbloat, and DDoSing with IoT

April 26, 2017

Today we’re launching a weekly blog series called “News in Networking.” Tune in each week for a quick roundup of industry news that seems noteworthy to the Kentik team. This week’s highlights include a look at hot topics at the Open Networking User Group (ONUG) Spring 2017 conference, an article on bufferbloat (yes, it’s real) and the causes behind a slow internet, a list of IoT-enabled DDoS attacks that underscore security risks, and more…

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Connect with Kentik at ONUG SF, Internet2 DC, or The Liberty NYC!

April 17, 2017

Join Kentik at one of our events next week in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City. Kentik will be sponsoring and participating in the Open Networking User Group (ONUG) Spring 2017 conference April 25-26 in SF. We’ll also be participating as a member in the 2017 Internet2 Global Summit April 24-26 in Washington DC. Meanwhile on April 26 we’re hosting a reception in NYC featuring presentations including one from our customer MediaMath. Hope to see you soon!

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From Network Flow Monitoring to CapEx Savings

April 10, 2017

It’s very costly to operate a large-scale Internet edge, making lower-end edge routers a subject of keen interest for service providers and Web enterprises alike. Such routers are comparatively short on FIB capacity, but depending on the routes needed to serve your customers that might not be an issue. How can you find out for sure? In this post, Alex Henthorn-Iwane, VP Product Marketing, explains how a new feature in Kentik Detect can show you the answer.

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