Kentik - Network Observability

Service providers run on Kentik. Don’t be left behind.

8 out of 12 global tier 1 IP networks use Kentik daily to operate their networks

100+ providers in 20+ countries use Kentik’s service provider workflows

7 of the 10 top commercial CDNs rely on Kentik for network observability

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Plan, run and fix your network and clouds

Reduce time-to-innocence
Understand interconnections
Plan capacity
Track cost
Troubleshoot performance
Analyze content delivery
Optimize peers
See subscriber trends
Test infrastructure

Let Kentik network observability empower you

Efficiently track connectivity costs, network capacity

Stay on top of network capacity by tracking utilization and runout dates for any interface in the network. Use clear dashboards and zero-in on congested interfaces to measure the impact and trigger upgrades.

Layer contract data on top of SNMP usage to validate upcoming invoices, optimize costs and deliver clear reports to the executives.

Uncover and optimize content delivery to your subscribers

With Kentik True Origin, accurately monitor the digital supply chain for any OTT and CDN traffic handed off to your network. Manage service quality across subscriber segments.

Monitor CDNs to optimize for performance and cost. View granular consumption patterns by OTT service or market segment.

Elevate your peering and interconnection game

Optimize performance and cost by managing interconnections.

Focus on the top origin or destination networks to interconnect with based on your traffic flows, connectivity mix, paths and dynamics. Get information about peers on any internet exchange or colocation.

Decrypt the interconnection landscape

Use Kentik Market Intelligence to spell out the customers and providers of any network. Convert this knowledge into efficient, analytical sales prospecting.

Drive interconnection and network expansion decisions with objective benchmarks. Support your marketing and product teams with neutral, data-backed evidence on the markets where your network excels.

Reduce your network “time to innocence”

Use Kentik’s network analytics superpowers to drill into network issues, identify root-causes and resolve them faster.

Solidify your network troubleshooting activities around powerful network visualizations and dashboards, evidence-supporting data to customers and providers.

Break the silos and rope everyone into the network observability discussion.

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