Kentik - Network Observability


How to Troubleshoot Routing and Connectivity in Your AWS Environment


Watch a short preview: Dan shows how to visualize AWS Transit Gateway cloud routing in Kentik Cloud.

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About the Webinar

Your public cloud can seem like a “black box.” And when there’s a cloud networking problem, it can be tough to identify and fix it fast. Join Kentik Cloud expert, Dan Rohan as he demonstrates how Kentik Cloud helps you proactively see and troubleshoot issues quickly.

What You’ll Learn

Kentik product manager Dan Rohan demonstrates:

  • How to proactively monitor cloud networking connectivity in AWS
  • How to be immediately alerted to connectivity issues using Kentik’s capabilities to quickly home in on the cause of the problem
  • How to be certain that the problem is resolved
  • How to quickly know if the network is not the source of any new problems

Dan Rohan
Product Manager

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