Kentik - Network Observability

The Kentik Network Observability Platform

All your networks in one place.


All Networks
See network data from the data center, edge, cloud, and internet. Wherever your traffic goes, we’ll suss it out.
Any Telemetry
Collect network, cloud, host, and container flow, internet routing, performance tests, and network metrics.
Contextual Metadata
Query network data enriched with context about infrastructure, apps, users, customers, geo-location, policies, and routing.
Get Insights
Get AI-driven insights, and a jump on network issues like degrading performance, possible attacks, and traffic changes.
Ask Any Question
Ask any question, any which-a-way. Query, filter, drill, zoom, whatever. We’ll get you the answer, wicked fast.
Take Action
Take action with built-in and third-party workflows. Plan, mitigate, alert, message, open a ticket, share insights, and more.

Kentik AI

  • Expedite problem solving with assisted troubleshooting workflows and automatic insights.
  • Explore telemetry in any language and find immediate answers to network issues from cloud, to data center, to WAN.
  • Detect anomalies, prevent DDoS, and analyze BGP and peering with ML enterprises trust.

Learn more about Kentik AI.

Kentik AI

Network Telemetry

  • Collect telemetry input from all critical networks and forwarding elements.
  • Visualize a unified view across all your networks, even the ones you don’t own.
  • Seamlessly scale to collect all telemetry during peak times.
Network Telemetry

Universal Data Explorer

  • Ask any question of your network.
  • Intuitively filter any query to get the data you need.
  • Query all your telemetry with speed and efficiency.

Observability Data Pipeline

  • Export enriched data anywhere, other analytics tools or data lakes.
  • Reduce costs and improve speeds with aggregate ingest pipelines.
  • Normalize telemetry to make it consumable in multiple formats.

Learn more about Kentik Firehose.

Observability Data Pipeline


  • Integrate with the tools your team already loves.
  • Collaborate with your platforms of choice.
  • Automate attack mitigation as soon as they are detected.

See our integrations.


Kentik Data Engine

  • Access and query quickly with a clustered, multi-tenant platform.
  • Ingest high volumes of structured and unstructured data.
  • Visualize data in real time and retain raw data for months for accurate troubleshooting and forensics.
Kentik Data Engine

Get network observability from Kentik.

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