Kentik - Network Observability
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Press Release

Kentik Launches Self-Service Network Analytics to Enhance Customer Experience and Revenue for Businesses

‘My Kentik’ Portal Extends Powerful Analytics to Downstream Customers for Network Visibility, Troubleshooting, and Cost Containment

SAN FRANCISCO – September 5, 2018 – Kentik®, the leader in modern network analytics, today announced the launch of “My Kentik,” a native portal within Kentik’s SaaS platform which allows communications service providers (CSPs) to present real-time, personalized views of network data to their downstream customers. By deploying My Kentik, service providers enrich and empower the customer experience with detailed and big-picture insights for planning, troubleshooting, and optimizing network utilization and performance.

“In every industry, business is increasingly being conducted online, and end-customers are looking for their service providers to go beyond simply providing connectivity,” said Avi Freedman, co-founder and CEO of Kentik. “Until recently, most CSPs focused on preventing outages and incidents to avoid revenue or reputation damage. With the release of My Kentik, we’re fulfilling a request from some of our largest customers and ultimately creating another way for them to turn network data into value for their businesses and their end-customers.”

The key benefits to service providers include:

  • Added top-line revenue from new network visibility, security, and performance features
  • Reduced support and billing caseloads by providing customers with self-service access to analytics and insights about their service utilization
  • Higher customer retention through increased service utilization and value

My Kentik extends the modern monitoring experience for end-customers or a company’s internal departments. For instance, end-customers can now see which cloud and SaaS applications are the top drivers of network costs and utilization. These insights let end-customers avoid billing surprises, optimize performance, and provide real-time feedback to DevOps teams. Internal departments in the enterprise can now see filtered views of network business drivers of most importance to them.

The My Kentik capability is built directly into the Kentik platform and powered by the same datasets that Kentik already collects for service assurance, analytics, and reporting tasks. For more information on My Kentik, read the technical blog post or sign up for a demo.


Easily the world’s most powerful network analytics, Kentik® uses real-time flow analysis, uniquely enriched with business and internet context to help enterprises and service providers protect their revenue and reputation. Kentik’s SaaS platform is built on a patented big data engine to deliver modern network analytics that is both powerful and easy to use. Kentik is based in San Francisco – learn more at

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