Kentik - Network Observability
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Kentik Partners With New Relic to Provide Network-Enriched Application Insights

Kentik Firehose Enhances Operational and Business Intelligence With Comprehensive Network Telemetry

SAN FRANCISCO – Dec. 9, 2020 – Kentik®, the network observability company, today announced a partnership with New Relic, the observability platform company, to help customers better understand the relationship between application and network performance. Through the new service Kentik Firehose, engineers and operations professionals will gain access to enriched, contextual network telemetry correlated with their application data, including New Relic’s full-stack performance data, to address use cases such as troubleshooting complex applications, detecting and geo-locating network threats affecting their applications, and understanding the role of cloud infrastructure on application performance.

"By partnering with Kentik, we are enhancing the understanding of application performance in the context of network conditions." — Raj Ramanulam, VP of alliances and channels, New Relic

“By partnering with Kentik, we are enhancing the understanding of application performance in the context of network conditions,” said Raj Ramanulam, VP of alliances and channels, New Relic. “New Relic data and analysis reveal what is happening inside the app environment through end-user performance and correlating it with network performance results, all in a single dashboard. Now users can analyze how much traffic their app generates and how it is affected by network conditions.”

Underlying this integration is Kentik Firehose, a newly-released product that gives partners such as those providing DevOps observability or business intelligence access to a vast array of enriched network observability data, including flow records, streaming telemetry, SNMP, device configurations and performance metrics, in a scalable, high-speed way through standard interfaces and formats.

Kentik Firehose can publish to New Relic, Splunk, Kafka, Prometheus, Grafana, stdout and output data in JSON, NetFlow, Avro and Influx formats. It can clean, groom, enrich and correlate network intelligence, and deliver it in a scalable, distributed, real-time manner for business, development, operations and security use cases, something no other network observability solution in the market can do.

“Network telemetry is one of the richest sources of information for understanding user trends, application usage and security posture. However, most observability systems do little more than ingest Syslog data, leaving IT departments, DevOps or SREs with an incomplete view”, said Avi Freedman, CEO of Kentik. “Kentik provides network intelligence from the internet, edge, cloud, data center, and hybrid infrastructures and enriches that data with geo, BGP attributes, custom dimensions and interface classification for business context.”

Kentik is the network observability company. Our platform is a must-have for the network front line, whether digital business, corporate IT, or service provider. Network professionals turn to the Kentik Network Observability Platform to plan, run, and fix any network, relying on our infinite granularity, AI-driven insights, and insanely fast search. Kentik makes sense of network, cloud, host, and container flow, internet routing, performance tests, and network metrics. We show network pros what they need to know about their network performance, health, and security to make their business-critical services shine. Networks power the world’s most valuable companies, and those companies trust Kentik. Market leaders like IBM, Cisco, Box, and Zoom rely on Kentik for network observability. Visit us at and follow us at @kentikinc.

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