Kentik - Network Observability
Solution Brief

Kentik Network Performance Management

Improve Visibility with Network Performance Management

Applications generate traffic, but networks deliver it. Decades on, it’s still difficult to pinpoint performance issues like packet loss or latency. It’s become even more complex with continuous delivery, micro-services, hybrid clouds, and internet traffic delivery. Legacy packet capture appliances don’t understand modern environments, and synthetic tests can’t tell you the impact on actual traffic and real users.

Kentik’s network traffic intelligence platform was built from the ground up to understand the performance of actual traffic delivery from modern applications and infrastructure, across both internal network and internet paths.

Heat Map Showing Packet Loss by Site / Pop > Dest ASN

Instantly drill-down on any cell to time series data for root cause investigation.

Network Performance Management: Heat Map Showing Packet Loss by Site

From our customers

AppNexus uses Kentik for Network Performance Management (NPM)

“With a substantial portion of the world’s internet advertising flowing across our open cloud platform, predictable performance is a business-critical concern. Kentik’s Network Performance Management solution has given us a breakthrough level of visibility that puts us in far better control of the complex network and Internet traffic delivery factors that impact our service delivery.”

-Scott Martin, VP Technical Operations for AppNexus, a leading ad-serving technology provider

Understanding Network Performance Monitoring: Kentipedia entry

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  • Combine and correlate data from containers, hosts, taps and spans with your actual traffic and network path data
  • Measure network traffic from all applications and services
  • Expose the precise internal or internet path impacting application delivery
  • Provide complete insight into network issues that impact application traffic


  • Eliminate critical network performance blind spots
  • Rapidly pinpoint service and revenue-impacting performance issues
  • Find and resolve network problems before users notice them
  • Eliminate finger-pointing and the “is it the network?” question
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