Kentik - Network Observability
Solution Brief

Cloud Visibility

Eliminate Network Guesswork in the Cloud

Cloud infrastructure promises many benefits: deployment agility, Ops efficiency, rapid scalability, high performance, and improved ROI. Yet many organizations struggle with realizing these benefits, especially when it comes to cost, performance, and security management.

Kentik is the modern analytics platform that understands the network behavior of your applications and services across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Kentik gives you the details and the big-picture insight you need, at any scale, so that your cloud applications stay performant, reliable and secure, and the promises of cloud infrastructure are delivered.

Kentik Cloud Portfolio

Kentik integrates with multiple cloud infrastructure data sources, including:

Flow data from public clouds

AWS VPC Flow Logs

  • Provides complete flow visibility, including accept/reject firewall actions within or between VPCs.

GCP VPC Flow Logs

  • Provides near real-time telemetry with latency metrics within or between VPCs.

Microsoft Azure

  • Provides information about IP traffic in or out of a Network Security Group (NSG), including byte and packet counts and session state on a perflow basis.

Host-level instrumentation

  • Enable per-host real-time telemetry with performance (latency/loss) metrics and layer 7 decodes. Multiple instrumentation options include:
    • Native Linux instrumentation from IPtables
    • Host sFlow
    • Kentik’s kProbe agent

Virtual network appliances

  • Collect standard telemetry like NetFlow, BGP, and SNMP from VM-based appliances like routers and load balancers.

Container orchestration / service mesh

  • Tag network data with service and application context from Kubernetes and Istio.

Download the full brief to learn more.

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Cloud Visibility Brief

Key Benefits

  • Unified view across hybrid and multi-cloud into your infrastructure
  • Integrated with container orchestration and service mesh management
  • Manage performance, cost, and security issues for modern cloud infrastructure
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