Kentik - Network Observability

Network and application observability for multi-cloud ops teams

An increasingly complex future for multi-cloud ops teams

The guide to network and application observability for multi-cloud ops teams

Public cloud and cloud-native application infrastructure have introduced incredible new ways to build and deploy applications. Along with this convenience has come the need to understand and operate complex virtual networks, service mesh architectures, hybrid, multi-region, and multi-cloud networking.

This guide will help you understand why moving beyond monitoring is critical. You’ll learn the following:

  • What’s driving multi-cloud adoption
  • The operational complexity that multi-cloud introduces
  • How Kubernetes may simplify deployment but complicates monitoring
  • How observability can reduce cloud cost surprises
  • How to use observability to set service level objectives

This guide is essential for all teams looking to master the operational aspects of multi-cloud deployments. Download for free now!

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