Kentik - Network Observability
Solution Brief

Kentik: AIOps for Enterprises

Kentik is AIOps for Enterprise Network Professionals

Today, nearly every business process relies on networks. They’re the lifeblood of the modern enterprise and network teams are constantly under fire to keep things flowing, with no room for error. The infrastructure scale and diversity introduced by cloud adoption, overlay networks, and enormous traffic growth have increased the challenge of network troubleshooting and planning—in many cases beyond the capability of human-scale network operations.

To keep pace with this ever-increasing diversity and complexity, Kentik provides the industry’s first AIOps platform for network professionals.

By collecting and correlating network data at scale and in real-time, Kentik surfaces the network conditions you need to focus on, with the workflows, details and automated actions to keep every network running smoothly.

Read our Kentik for Enterprises Solution Brief to learn about use enterprise cases and key differentiators of Kentik’s AIOps-powered solution for network monitoring and analytics.

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