Kentik - Network Observability
Solution Brief

Kentik: AIOps for Service Providers

Kentik is Revolutionary Analytics to Power Up Service Provider Networks

Today, network service providers face significant challenges from every direction.

Network teams are being pressed to do more with less even as traffic growth, customer expectations, and infrastructure complexity continue to accelerate. New competitive threats also challenge the business as a whole—not only traditional telecom competitors but also from emerging OTT and cloud services.

Fortunately, service providers’ networks already generate the data needed to face these challenges. Kentik applies AIOps techniques like large scale data collection, correlation and machine learning to produce real-time insights and workflows that make network teams dramatically more efficient. Meanwhile, executives and architects get the big-picture views they need to build faster, more reliable and more profitable services.

Read our Kentik for Solution Providers Solution Brief to learn about use service provider cases and key differentiators of Kentik’s AIOps-powered solution for network monitoring and analytics.

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