Kentik - Network Observability

The Case for Big Data-Powered DDoS Protection

Once an occasional annoyance, DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks have metastasized into an existential threat for every Internet-centric organization. With both revenue and reputation dependent on network availability and performance, detecting and responding to DDoS attacks is now a top priority for network and security operations.

Unfortunately, available options for DDoS protection haven’t kept up with the runaway growth in frequency, scale and unpredictability of DDoS attack vectors.

Download this Kentik whitepaper to learn:

  • How and why DDoS attacks have become more frequent, ubiquitous and dangerous.
  • The limitations of first-generation approaches to DDoS detection and response, including shortcomings in terms of accuracy, speed and agility.
  • The advantages of using cloud-scale, big data-enabled solutions for DDoS protection.
  • How Kentik Detect—a purpose-built, big-data platform for improving network visibility, reliability, and security—can help meet today’s enterprise DDoS detection and remediation needs.

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