Kentik - Network Observability

One Platform to Optimize Your Entire Network

Consolidate network, cloud, and security tools.


Consolidate network, cloud, and security tools: Kentik Observation Deck dashboard
Break down silos

Share a unified view of network performance, cost, and security.

Release faster

Reduce toil and free up resources to innovate.

Reduce costs

Leverage consumption-based licensing to reduce spend.

Replace legacy NPM/NMS tools

  • Troubleshoot across data center, cloud, campus, and internet.
  • Optimize multi-cloud monitoring.
  • Streamline capacity planning.
Replace Legacy Tools for NPM with Network Observability: Animation of the Kentik Map

Reduce monitoring costs

  • Leverage economies of scale with telemetry consolidation.
  • Multiple use cases across security and performance.
  • Proactively test user experience and network performance.
Consolidate Legacy Tools and Reduce Network Monitoring Costs: Kentik Observation Deck

A better pricing model

  • Flexible licensing
  • No overages during peak usage
  • Consumption-based pricing
Kentik Licensing Screenshot

Truly understand hybrid cloud and cost

  • Complete visibility from data center to AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and OCl.
  • Analyze cost attribution and usage to right-size hybrid cloud capacity and failover.
  • Reduce costs across cloud providers, peering networks, and CDNs.
Understand Hybrid Cloud Cost: Kentik Cloud Traffic Overview

Network and cloud security

  • Use the same telemetry to analyze performance and security incidents.
  • Rapid DDoS detection.
  • Enforce network policy across data centers and clouds.
Network and Cloud Security: Security Groups and Network ACLs in AWS

Observability data pipeline

  • Unify, enrich, and correlate network observability data and send to other applications.
  • Close the network observability data gap in DevOps’ full-stack monitoring.
  • Enable multi-source streaming analytics to uncover and transform insights.

See Kentik Firehose.

Kentik Observability Data Pipeline diagram: Unifying telemetry, context, and analytics

“Kentik has given us the insight and visibility that we have not been able to achieve through other network performance monitoring products or open source tools. We can see things we simply couldn’t see before.”

Sam Eaton Director of Engineering Operations, Yelp
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