Kentik - Network Observability

Deliver Exceptional Digital Experiences

Proactively test and monitor networks, clouds, web pages, and applications.


Digital Experience Monitoring: Synthetic testing shows path hops and geo distance
Isolate the problem

Identify if it’s an infrastructure or third-party app issue.

Emulate real user experiences

Understand global and local performance.

See the big picture

Test and monitor everything that matters.

Emulate real user experiences

  • Test page load times and user transactions (STM) from public or private agents.
  • Mimic the experience your users are getting and pinpoint issues wherever they might be.
  • Alert on performance issues, anomalies, and SLAs.
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Digital Experience Monitoring from Kentik: Synthetic Transaction Monitoring Test Results

See the health of your entire network

  • Instantly launch complex, multi-site performance mesh tests to see problems at a glance.
  • Click any cell to view performance metrics and drill down to the root cause of issues.
  • Understand how applications connect between data centers, campuses, and public clouds.
Digital Experience Monitoring with Kentik's multicloud performance mesh tests

Visualize and examine delivery paths

  • Visualize traffic paths and patterns as data flows from source to destination. Drill in to any level of detail.
  • Get a hop-by-hop view that makes it easy to drill into the root of performance problems.
  • Visualize AS paths, monitor route announcement frequency, and get alerted to changes.
Digital Experience Monitoring: ASN Path Views Showing Network Data Flows

See the status of SaaS applications at a glance

  • Measure the performance of popular SaaS apps from hundreds of global locations.
  • See key metrics such as response time, latency, jitter and packet loss.
  • Monitor critical application infrastructure such as web or DNS servers.

Gauge CDN performance

  • Measure performance and track connectivity to CDNs or ASNs autonomously.
  • See synthetic test results in the context of real traffic from content providers.
  • Evaluate CDN performance using Kentik’s global CDN map and scenario testing capabilities.
Digital Experience Monitoring: Measure CDN Performance with Kentik

Identify connectivity issues

  • Understand user connectivity issues are related to VPN overload.
  • See performance test metrics and traffic flows side-by-side.
  • Quickly identify if there is a correlation between test results and traffic overload.
Identify Network Connectivity Issues with Digital Experience Monitoring

Real and test traffic together

  • The only network observability solution that has real and synthetic monitoring in the one platform.
  • See performance test metrics and traffic flows side-by-side.
  • Quickly identify if there is a correlation between test results and traffic overload.
  • Use real traffic to automatically set up synthetic tests.
Kentik Digital Experience Monitoring Combines Real Network Flow Data with Synthetic Testing
G-Core Labs

“With the other tools we tried, we were paying for something that couldn’t do half of what Kentik Synthetics is able to do.”

Oleg Yudin Head of Network and Cyber Security, G-Core Labs
Troubleshooting a SaaS App in Kentik
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