Kentik - Network Observability

Troubleshoot Any Network — Faster Than Ever

Resolve issues 400% faster with lightning-fast querying and instant answers.


Tools to Troubleshoot Network Problems: Kentik Network Explorer
Everything in one view

Data centers, WAN/SD-WANs, hybrid and multi-clouds, SaaS, internet, and campuses.

Instant alerts

Automatically detect anomalies, attacks, customer experience challenges, and more.

Deep exploration

Hundreds of dimensions. Highly granular filtering. Harness the power of your data with unbound exploration.

Identify root cause in record time

  • Ask questions interactively and evaluate problems from multiple angles to uncover affected applications, services, and users.
  • Quickly hone in on problems, eliminate complexity and noise, and know immediately when it’s not the network.
  • Drill to any level of detail with our infinitely granular data store.
Network Troubleshooting: Quickly Identify Root Causes with Kentik

Minimize business impact of network problems

  • Integrate network data into incident management and SIEM tools to improve service quality and enhance security policies.
  • Avoid network downtime and detect network performance issues before they critically impact end users.
Kentik Provides Active Alerts and Notifications of Network Issues

Query data at lightning speed

  • Query, filter, pivot, drill in, zoom out, and add context by selecting predefined and custom dimensions from a menu – no need for complex query statements.
  • Query mountains of data in seconds – average query response time across all Kentik users is less than one second.
Visualizing network performance metrics in Kentik

Proactively spot (and resolve) brewing issues

  • Start with a question or be proactively alerted to brewing issues with AI-driven insights.
  • See anomalies, unexpected spikes, or potentially malicious traffic early so you can take action before things get out of hand – maybe before anyone even knows.
  • Investigate efficiently with nearly limitless data and network exploration capabilities.
AI-driven network performance insights in Kentik

Save time with integrations and automation

  • Up your efficiency level with built-in workflows for network operations, reporting, capacity planning, and traffic engineering.
  • Leverage ticketing system integrations and APIs to automate workflows, generate real-time alerting, and initiate faster response time.
  • Bring teams together by sharing enriched network telemetry with analytics tools and data lakes using Kentik Firehose.

See all integrations.

Kentik integrates with DDoS, SSO, Notification, Operations and Network Platforms your team already uses
New Relic

“Kentik helps us diagnose network-related problems much faster. The ability to dive in and put a trace on every connection is a huge benefit.”

April Carter Senior Software Engineering Manager, New Relic
State of the Internet: Monitoring SaaS Application Performance
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